Business Continuity encompasses a loosely defined set of planning, preparatory and related activities intended to ensure that an organization's critical business functions will either continue to operate despite serious incidents or disasters or will be recovered within a reasonably short period.


Organizations worldwide depend on the Rocket® UniVerse® MultiValue database to build reliable, scalable, and cost-effective applications. However, today’s demand for new applications can strain production servers, affecting performance and increasing the risk of outages.


Organizations worldwide depend on the Rocket® UniData® MultiValue database to build reliable, scalable, and cost- effective applications. However, today’s demand for new applications can strain production servers, affecting performance and increasing the risk of outages.


Downtime and data losses that were tolerated in the past are no longer acceptable in today’s interconnected business world. Our systems must become more reliable, resilient, and recoverable.


Reliable, scalable, resilient, and simplified protection for data and applications Organizations worldwide depend on the Rocket® UniVerse MultiValue database to build reliable, scalable, and cost-effective applications. However, today’s demand for new applications can strain production servers, affecting performance and increasing the risk of outages


You want to do everything you can to protect your data and business from unplanned outages. You have fail-safes, backups, backups for the backups, and a disaster recovery plan in place. But what about replication?

Blog Post

This blog post offers best practices related to implementing and using Replication, as part of a High Availability/Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) strategy. In Part 1, I’ll focus on preparation.

Blog Post

This blog post offers best practices related to implementing and using Replication, as part of a High Availability/Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) strategy. In Part 3, I’ll focus on Replogger.


As a Rocket® UniVerse user, if you rely on Replication or have been waiting for the next big thing in Replication, it’s here!


As a Rocket® UniData user, if you rely on Replication or have been waiting for the next big thing in Replication, it’s here!


Are you prepared for a system outage? Watch the “MultiValue High Availability/Disaster Recovery” Video to see how you can achieve 24 x 7 uptime.


Listen to Rocket customer Clark Godwin of Rooms To Go as he discusses how his organization uses UniVerse Replication.

Blog Post

The fundamental purpose of any business is to generate profit by delivering valuable products or services to its customers. In an era dominated by technology, the days of manual, paper-based operations seem archaic.

Blog Post

In the fast-paced world of business technology, ensuring continuity in the face of disruptions is paramount. Yet, amidst the myriad of solutions available, there are common misconceptions that can lead businesses astray.

Blog Post

Myth #2: Hardware Data Replication Is the Answer. While hardware replication technologies offer a semblance of data redundancy, they fall short in ensuring both physical and logical integrity.

Blog Post

This is the fourth of a 5-part series by Bruce Decker on Protecting Your Business, A Practical Guide to System Recovery. Read the entire series in the on the Rocket Software website.


Reliable, scalable, resilient, and simplified protection for data and applications Organizations worldwide depend on the Rocket® UniData® MultiValue database to build reliable, scalable, and cost-effective applications. However, today’s demand for new applications can strain production servers, affecting performance and increasing the risk of outages


Our Jump Start packages are designed to deliver maximum value for your agreement by focusing on enabling your team. We’ll get you started quickly with our expert guidance, while teaching the skills and concepts needed to be successful with the product long-term.


Rocket® D3® Hot Backup is a D3 configuration where one machine is in standby mode, ready to take over the load from a failing system. During normal operations, all updates to the database on the primary system are applied to the secondary system over the network.

Case Study

D3 Disaster Recovery Saves Time, Money, and Delivers Peace of Mind