Get the most from the cloud by integrating the best from on-prem

The vast majority of enterprises have barely scratched the surface of a modernized hybrid cloud’s potential. But the businesses that have taken full advantage are already reshaping their industries with real-time data insights, next-gen customer experiences, and disruptive applications of AI.

To stay competitive, organizations that have historically relied on core platforms like IBM® Mainframes and IBM® i for success must integrate them with the cloud to realize a holistic hybrid strategy. But this is easier said than done. In driving effective application and data modernization, CIOs contend with a multitude of challenges that are specific to legacy platforms, including:

  • Skill and knowledge gaps across siloed teams
  • A web of compliance, security, and performance risks
  • The need to innovate and drive business value with data and new technologies

Stagnation is not an option. It’s imperative that CIOs take full advantage of the flexibility offered by a hybrid cloud model. This includes modernizing applications on the platform where doing so makes the most sense, as well as moving data to where it is most impactful — all without affecting performance, security, or compliance.

Download this eBook for a deep-dive into the six biggest areas for improvement confronting CIOs when it comes to the hybrid cloud paradigm, and the corrective steps that can upgrade each area and add to your enterprise’s bottom-line. Moreover, discover four critical questions facing every CIO in choosing the right hybrid cloud management solution and vendor that best accelerates your modernization goals.

What business challenges will you solve with a modernized hybrid cloud?

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